In a time when a lot of us are looking for useful things to do, sending money to this fund seems like a smart thing to do. The MCRF aids those who are most deserving of our help: first responders, frontline healthcare professionals, working families, people who are food insecure, and people with disabilities. Here is the Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund website:
We hope you will make a donation and select one of the items from our online shop. When you make a purchase, we will make a donation to MCRF and send you the chosen item as a gift.
Richie and Peter Vanderwarker love jewelry. “We wear it all the time—it makes us feel special.” Richie began collecting back in the 1970s, and she hasn’t stopped. Peter took metal sculpture in high school and has spent a lot of time studying at Haystack, a wonderful school for craft in Deer Isle, Maine. When not shooting, Peter spends time in hi Newton metal workshop. Cutting, grinding, forging, and welding are what Peter likes to do.
Miraculously, he has all ten fingers intact.